Friday, July 26, 2024

SF Mime Troupe: American Dreams: ★ ★ ★

Michael Gene Sullivan is fabulous. We knew he could write, but who knew he could sing? And as he says each year after every show, the Mime Troupe is dedicated as ever to smashing capitalism one musical at a time. 

Every political season gives us a harvest of new lampoonable fruit. 2024's “American Dreams," starring Sullivan, Andre Amarotico, Mikki Johnson and Lizzie Calogero, deals with censorship in Academia and the politics around campus protests. It is timely and, as always, both funny and ludicrous.

This year's music and lyrics are by Daniel Savio. We love “We’re Gonna Make America Great Again, Again,” though it brings our fears about The Big Orange right up to the surface.


It’s hard to imagine summer in San Francisco without sitting in the park to watch the Mime Troupe, surrounded by the same carnival atmosphere and, more or less, the same audience, aging a bit more each season, but losing nothing in enthusiasm. The shows are free but the bucket gets passed at the end, proving that money still talks, even while making us laugh about it.


The San Francisco Theater Blog Awards Division grants THREE STARS to "American Dreams," for writing, performance and music. We would also like to thank the Troupe for Chancellor Quisling. We’re old enough to get that joke. 

The San Francisco Mime Troupe: “American Dreams”

Various parks and venues around the Bay Area. 

See for locations and times

Through Sep. 8

FREE (Donations Accepted)

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