Friday, July 27, 2018

Guys and Dolls ☼ ☼ ☼ BANG

Frank Loesser's "Guys and Dolls" is just the ticket when you need a turn-off-your-brain 1950's musical with songs you can't stop singing. It is even better when you are sitting in a tiny theater, on top of the stage, and the singers are really good. Marin Musical Theatre Company's production, directed by Jenny Boynton, not only leaves us humming tunes like "Bushel and a Peck" and "I'll Know," but fills us with pride for the high quality of performers sprouting up all over the Bay Area.

There are several standouts in the cast. Deborah Spake as Miss Adelaide makes us laugh while identifying with her predicament (she has been engaged to Nathan for fourteen years). Nelson Brown, as Nathan Detroit, makes us smile with his romance of faithful and wacky Adelaide. Eric Levintow is the real singer of the group. He plays Sky Masterson, the brains behind the whole outfit, whose courtship of Lily Jackson's Sarah Brown makes us munch our cookies with joy. And Tim Ryan has a showstopper moment as Nicely Nicely Johnson singing "Sit Down, You're Rocking' the Boat."

These shows are classics because of the songs. Loesser was one of the few Broadway writers who wrote music as well as lyrics, and his songs are accessible and sweet. In addition to those mentioned above, we also get "Luck be a Lady," sung by Sky, and "Sue Me," sung by Miss Adelaide and Nathan.

There is nothing not to like here, except a very short run. We'll keep our eyes on MMTC in the future.


The San Francisco Theater Blog Awards Division grants THREE STARS WITH A BANGLE OF PRAISE to MMTC's "Guys and Dolls." The ☼ ☼ ☼ are for writing, acting and directing and the BANGLE  is for Katie Wickes's choreography, which basically means getting twenty-two people dancing at once on a stage the size of a canasta table. Well done, everyone.


"Guys and Dolls"
The Playhouse in San Anselmo
27 Kensington Road, San Anselmo
Through July 28

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